Corn marketing workshop ahead

Registration is open for an upcoming corn marketing workshop that should help with price trends, marketing tools, and more. Interested farmers should register before Jan. 12.



December 28, 2021 - 9:14 AM

“Winning The Game” Corn Marketing Workshop is a powerful and important program that is specifically designed to help farmers develop their marketing strategies. 

The workshop will focus on cost of production for price target strategies, seasonal price trends, and using marketing tools like forward and basis contracts, market hedging, and call/put options. 

This will be a hands-on and direct workshop that is designed to help farmers get the best prices for their commodities. While this workshop will focus on next year’s corn crop, the lessons learned will be applicable to every crop in any year. 

Local sponsorship from Farm Bureau agent, Jason Gard. 

Registration fee is $10 to help pay for lunch and materials. Register to attend by Jan. 12.

Call 620-724-8233 or email [email protected] for more information.

An informational flyer can be downloaded from the Southwind District website at For more information, contact Chad Guthrie, Crop Production & Forage Management Agent, [email protected] or (620) 244-3826.
