Racquel Thiesen, a presenter with the Kansas Leadership Council, was the speaker at a session geared to working with new community foundation directors and boards Thursday at the Bowlus Fine Arts Center. The session gives…
TOPEKA — Two groups of local students recently took their advocacy efforts to the Kansas State Capitol, partnering with the Allen County Multi-Agency Team (ACMAT) to address critical community issues, noted a press release from…
The Allen County Farmers Market is hosting an informational meeting for vendors at 6 p.m., Thursday, in the Riverside Park community building. Board Secretary Debbie Bearden noted that both past and new vendors are welcome…
The annual exchange meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club and the Seekers Not Slackers Club of Anderson County was held on Monday, March 17. Sophia Heim presented a project talk about her rocketry project.…
Ross Daniels, auctioneer and Realtor, hosted a ribbon-cutting during a Friday celebration to mark the first anniversary of Daniels Auction Service’s move to 1380 Georgia Rd. in rural Humboldt. The open house/customer appreciation effort included…
Pastor Steve Traw has returned and all were glad to have him back in the pulpit. His sermon Sunday was “Number two of the Ten.” Scripture came from Exodus 20, and Deuteronomy 5 where it…
Pastor Chase Riebel started a Resurrection Series on Sunday. The first sermon was “Mission of Jesus” from Luke 19:10. Like all who are lost, the tax collector Zacchaeus was searching for a way to find…
Armory struck Dylan Sicka had exited the 1000 block of North State Street at a high rate of speed Wednesday, and struck the exterior of Iola’s National Guard armory building. Sicka was injured in the…
Iola Middle School recently announced its third quarter honor rolls. Principal’s Honor Roll (4.0 GPA) Sixth grade Gaberial Jones and Seattle Nagy Seventh grade Jessa Ashworth, Kamdon Barnett, Cora Boren, Corbin Coffield, Cade Curry, Leanna…
Ty Gable returned as guest speaker at Sunday’s Carlyle Presbyterian Church service in Steve Traw’s absence. He shared about the relationship between God and his followers. Sickness, death, jobs and relationships all come with struggles…