Carlyle news



November 8, 2019 - 3:22 PM

Carlyle Presbyterian Church

 “Two Witnesses” was the title of Pastor Steve Traw’s message Sunday, taken from Revelation Chapter 11. These two divinely appointed witnesses will minister for the first forty-two months of the Tribulation. Both witnesses are slain at once when the antichrist sets up his political religious stronghold in Jerusalem (Rev. 11:7. Both witnesses were Old Testament prophets (see Rev. 11:10).

Myrna Wildschuetz played “In the Garden” for the prelude and Rita Sanders played “He Looked Beyond My Faults” for the offertory.

Celebrating birthdays were Lucy Bevard and Patricia Hodgden on Monday and Mary Sunshine Crites and Shiela Lasko on Wednesday.

Bible Study with Pastor Traw on the book of John will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
