Youth tackle football season opens


September 8, 2012 - 12:00 AM

Allen County Youth Tackle Football started its 11th season today with its annual jamboree at Mound City. All teams in the two age groups — 3rd-4th grade and 5th-6th grade — took part in the event.

Regular season play opens Tuesday. Iola teams host Mound City and Garnett and will hold a special tribute to 9-11-2001, which was the first games of the league on the tragic day in U.S. history.

Here is the 2012 schedule.

Allen County Youth 

Tackle Football

2012 Schedule

Game times 6 p.m (3-4),

7:15 p.m. (5-6) unless

otherwise noted

Sept. 11

3rd-4th Grade League

Mound City at Iola

Humboldt at Yates Center

5th-6th Grade League

Garnett at Iola

Humboldt at Yates Center

Mound City at Uniontown, 6:30  p.m.

Sept. 15

3rd-4th Grade League

Iola at Chanute, 10:30 a.m.

5th-6th Grade League

Iola at Chanute, 12:30 p.m.

Sept. 18

3rd-4th Grade League

Iola at Yates Center

Mound City at Humboldt

5th-6th Grade League

Iola at Yates Center

Mound City at Humboldt

Uniontown at Garnett, 6:30 p.m.

Sept. 23

3rd-4th Grade League

Iola at Chanute, 1 p.m.

5th-6th Grade League

Iola at Chanute, 2:30 p.m.

Sept. 25

3rd-4th Grade League

Iola at Humboldt

Yates Center at Mound City

5th-6th Grade League

Iola at Uniontown, 6:30 p.m.

Garnett at Humboldt

Yates Center at Mound City

Sept. 30

3rd-4th Grade League

Iola at Chanute, 1 p.m.

5th-6th Grade League

Iola at Chanute, 2:30 p.m.

Oct. 2

3rd-4th Grade League

Yates Center at Iola

Humboldt at Mound City, 6:30 p.m.

Mound City at Yates Center

5th-6th Grade League

Mound City at Iola

Uniontown at Humboldt, 6:30 p.m.

Yates Center at Garnett, 6:30 p.m.

Oct. 9

3rd-4th Grade League

Humboldt at Iola

Mound City at Yates Center

5th-6th Grade League

Humboldt at Iola

Uniontown at Yates Center

Garnett at Mound City

Oct. 16

3rd-4th Grade League

Iola at Mound City

Yates Center at Humboldt

5th-6th Grade League

Tournament, TBA
