Wildcat girls defeat Uniontown

Balanced scoring and a stifling defense propelled Marmaton Valley's girls to another win Tuesday. The Wildcats returned to action with a 46-24 romp over rival Uniontown.


January 3, 2024 - 2:21 PM

Marmaton Valley High's Khiana Haynes looks to make a pass Tuesday against Uniontown. Photo by Halie Luken / MVHS

UNIONTOWN — Marmaton Valley High’s girls kept up their winning ways Tuesday, sparked by a stifling defense and balanced scoring.

The Wildcats, in their first game back from the Christmas break, took control in the second quarter, turning a 10-6 advantage into a 27-13 halftime lead over Three Rivers League rival Uniontown.

The Wildcats kept up their defensive oppression after the break, cruising to a 46-24 victory.

The Win lifts MV to 4-1 on the season.

Balanced scoring did the trick for the Wildcat offense. Three players, Piper Barney, Maria Forero and Janae Granere each had multiple field goals in the second period as MV took control.

Forero also ended with a kick, scoring six of her team-high 14 points in the fourth quarter. Granere followed with 13. Barney and Payton Scharff added eight points each.

Addisyn Hall scored 11 and Ella Shelton eight for Uniontown.

Marmaton Valley High’s Andie Carr, left, drives to the hoop in a junior varsity game against Uniontown Tuesday.Photo by Halie Luken / MVHS

Uniontown prevailed, 13-8, in a two-quarter junior varsity game. Andie Carr scored five for Marmaton Valley’s JV. Taylen Blevins had three.

The Wildcats return to the court Friday at Oswego.

MV (10-17-9-10—46)

FG/3pt FT F TP

Barney 4 0 3 8

Scharff 4 0 4 8

Forero 7 0 4 14

Adams 0/1 0 2 3

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