Special Olympics athletes compete in bowling event


November 26, 2010 - 12:00 AM

OVERLAND PARK — On Nov. 19, the ANW Cooperative Special Olympics and Allen County Special Olympics teams competed in the 2010 Fall Sports Classic bowling event at AMF College Lanes in Overland Park.

This was the final competition of 2010 for the athletes. The local athletes’ next competition will be track and field in the spring of 2011.

Here are the results for the ANW Co-op Special Olympics group: Morgan Bennett, fourth; Bo Bland, first; Austin Bowman, first; Chelsea Brantley, second; Jonthan Cress, first; Katlin Cress, third; Bridgette Eckroat, third; Aaron Kessler, fifth; Kimberly Kessler, second; Kandra Manbeck, first.

Leibreanne Moore, sixth; Destin Nichols, third; Paige Riley, fourth; Mariz Schlotterbeck, first; Dalia Stoll, first; Sean Swaggerty, second; Stanton Swaggerty, fifth; Kendra Thron, first; Wolfgang Webber, third; Hana M. Westgate, fourth; Christopher White, fourth; Kortney Wools, fourth.

Results for the Allen County Special Olympics athletes were: Casey Riebel, third; Steven Riebel, third; Jessica Trester, third; Abby Westgate, third.

June 6, 2012
November 26, 2011
October 18, 2011
October 16, 2010