Smith lauds assistants as coaching career ends



May 23, 2014 - 12:00 AM

Marv Smith chuckles when he hears others praise his coaching career.

“You want to know what the secret is?” he asked rhetorically. “I know how to hire great assistants.

“People always thought Ole Marv must really have it all together, but that’s because I’m the one who gets my name in the newspaper,” he continued. “I get all the credit, but our success is because I’ve had a great staff.”

Smith spoke Thursday, as he prepared for the final two track meets of his coaching career — Friday’s Class 4A Regional Meet in Louisburg and the upcoming state track meet next Friday and Saturday in Wichita.

Smith has announced his intention to retire following the state meet, ending his 50-year run in coaching, 48 of which were in Iola.

“It’s not official yet, but I’m not wavering,” said Smith, 72, who intended to retire in 2012 when he retired from teaching chemistry at IHS. He declined to do so then, because a successor hadn’t been found. 

He is confident one has now that Dana Daugharthy is on staff.

Daugharthy, coincidentally, also replaced Smith in the classroom. He is the high school’s chemistry instructor. 

“I’m retiring,” Smith said. “I just haven’t filed the papers yet.”

HOW VITAL were Smith’s assistant coaches to his success?


When Smith took the reins of the program in 1975, he had David Roe as his assistant to help coach pole vault.

“David happened to be the state record holder,” Smith said. “And guess who joined the staff after Dave retired.”

That would be none other than the one who broke Roe’s high school vaulting record, Larry Wilson.

“We’ve had three throwing coaches: Wendy Frazell, Vince Coons and Pat Lonergan,” all of whom were accomplished throwers and teachers.
