Register names May Athlete of the Month nominees


Athletes of the Month

May 29, 2019 - 9:51 AM

The Register is back on the hunt for what readers consider are the area’s top athletes. Last month, we nominated six nominees who were the top of their class and now we’ve picked six more for May. 

Our nominees this month include Crest junior Elka Billings, Marmaton Valley junior Bailey Griffith, Iola junior Elysia Kunkler, Humboldt junior Gunner Elder, Yates Center senior Hadley Splechter and Humboldt senior Tucker Hurst. 

Last month’s picks were Yates Center sophomore golfer Easton Reynolds and Yates Center junior softball player Madelynn Collins.

Now it’s time to pick the best from May. 

The poll is currently live and will remain up until Thursday at midnight. 

We’ll announce the winners Saturday in both our Weekender print edition and on our website. 


IF YOU HAVE an area athlete that you think should be nominated, feel free to drop us a line at [email protected]. Now that we’re out of the school year, don’t be afraid to nominate an exceptional tee-ball player or a swimmer who might be the next Michael Phelps. 

Be sure to include a paragraph or two on what they’ve done that makes them worthy of nomination and a picture if you have it. 

Also, don’t be afraid to share the link to vote on Facebook or Twitter. The more you share, the better chance you have to get your favorite athlete selected.

Earlier in the month, we ran our feature on Yates Center’s Reynolds and in this Saturday’s paper, we’ll have a story on Collins.   

Until then, be sure to hop on our website and cast your vote.

May 31, 2019
May 28, 2019
April 30, 2019
May 25, 2017