Allen County Community College’s baseball team is hosting it’s annual Winter Baseball School, Feb. 13-14, for ages 8-18.
Registration information can be found at
Click on athletics and baseball, find winter baseball school in the right-hand column and click on it.
The school will be from 1-5 p.m. each day in the ACCC multi-purpose building, also known as “the Red Barn.” Enrollment fee is $100 per athlete and athletes participating should bring tennis shoes, a bat and glove.
Val McLean, ACCC’s hall of fame head coach, will lead the instruction at the two-day camp.
McLean and his baseball teams have held the hitting and pitching school for the past 23 years.
“It’s designed for any age because we structure it in stations. With our staff, our players and ACCC baseball alumni, participants get a lot of one-on-one instruction in the two days,” McLean said.
An athlete can do just hitting or just the pitching portion, or they can enroll in the combination.
There is also a catching school on Sunday afternoon where fundamentals of catching will be presented.
Either way an athlete goes, there will be plenty of personalized instruction in drills.
“We have the school for many different reasons,” McLean said. “It’s something fun to do and it’s a good thing to provide for younger players. Plus it has turned into a decent fund raiser for our program,” he added.
An enrollment form can be found on the ACCC Web site along with a parental release.
For more information contact McLean at 620-365-5116, extension 257.
Another aspect of the school is that “we talk about attitude, drive and motivation,” McLean said.
“We work to provide a positive experience not just physically for the athletes but also mentall,” he said.
McLean, assistant coach Seth Beason, current ACCC players and ACCC baseball alumni will provide the instruction both days.