

March 30, 2018 - 11:00 PM

Compelling questions … and maybe a few actual answers

Can it be a Clint year?

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but yes, let’s hope we see more of Clint Bowyer among the late-lap leaders and occasionally in Victory Lane. He’s a guy who’s popular with fellow racers and anyone who misses the days when all the racers were a little gritty and not afraid to let their hair down in public. There’s a lot of Jethro Bodine in Clint Bowyer, and that’s a good thing for us onlookers.

Who picked Martinsville in March?

Settle down, this was a bit of a fluke. The race was scheduled for March 25. On March 25 the previous year, the Martinsville high was 73 under sunny skies. So don’t blame anyone beyond Jack Frost. Also, at least we got plenty of cool pictures of a racetrack under a blanket of snow. Repurpose them for Christmas cards later this year.

Will the Chevrolets find it?

The polite thing to say is, “of course, the season is young. They’ll catch up eventually.” But the truth is, they’ve been mediocre on nearly all manner of track so far, and that’s a very bad sign. And I mean “mediocre” compared to your Taurus. Compared to the actual competition, something less than mediocre.

— Ken Willis,
