HUMBOLDT We got a punch in the mouth at the start, when West Franklin flew 63 yards on four plays, capped by quarterback Clayton Noyons 43-yard dash here Thursday night. But, I liked the way we responded, said Coach Logan Wyrick of the Cubs playoff-opening victory.
The Cubs then dominated both sides of the line of scrimmage to post a 52-15 victory.
Humboldt will host Osage City next Friday evening in second round of playoffs.
The usual suspects were much in evidence. Conor Haviland rushed for 236 yards on 18 carries; Dagen Goodner had 209 yards, also on 18 carries, and completed two of four passes for 57 yards.
Humboldt was caught a bit off guard at the start. The Falcons, after getting the first chance offensively at their 37, reeled off runs of eight, three and nine yards before Noyons, a nifty signal-caller, skirted left end to cruise to the end zone. The Cubs showed some hesitancy dealing with the wide stuff, though their middle, with David Watts holding court, was as impenetrable as ever.
After that, Humboldts defense appeared to have adjusted. Isiah Coronado stopped the next drive on the first play when he pounced on a fumble. The Falcons netted 6 and 17 yards on their next two possessions.
Meanwhile, Haviland and Goodner were making mincemeat of the West Franklin defense, running at will.
Down 7-0, the Cubs started at their 34, Haviland sandwiched runs of 15 and 27 around a hard-earned four yards from Goodner. He then lost eight on a missed snap. Not to worry, Goodner came back to score on a well-executed 28-yard run that had him deftly picking his way through a host of groping Falcon defenders.
Two and half minutes later, the Cubs took control for good. Haviland capped a 40-yard drive, result of Coronado snatching up the fumble, with a five-yard stroll into the end zone. He had 32 yards on four carries in the drive.
Humboldt increased its lead to 22-7 when Goodner picked his way through a host of West Franklin players to score from 23 yards out.
Then came a befuddling offensive series for the Cubs that gave West Franklin momentary hope.
Humboldt claimed the ball at its 28. On a trick play used a few times this year, Goodner feinted a fumble with the ball going to fullback Tucker Hurst. The pass from center was a little high, though, and Hurst snared it while falling backward, a loss of nine yards. Two incomplete passes gave Hurst the rare duty of punting. He sent a high looper downfield that rolled out of bounds 51 yards away.
Humboldt, it appeared, might capitalize.
Not so. The Falcons, steeled by finally stopping the Humboldt offensive juggernaut, put together a nice 70-yard drive, depending on sleight of hand and sweeps, ending with Lane Johnson, an undersized running back at 145 pounds, dashing in from the 12-yard line.
That raised the Cubs hackles.
They responded with a 59-yard drive, Goodner scoring this time from 27 yards out and adding the two-point conversion.
Meanwhile, Humboldt reconfigured its defensive line, moving Hurst from tackle to end, where he played in previous years, and inserting Joseph Froggatte, a 300-pounder, to the tackle slot.