Iola golfers wrap up girls season

Iola High's Brooklyn Holloway and Briley Prather ended their inaugural IHS girls golf season Monday at the 4A regional tournament in Fort Scott.


October 15, 2024 - 2:05 PM

Iola High's Brooklyn Holloway tees off in a tournament earlier this season. Photo by Richard Luken / Iola Register

FORT SCOTT — Iola High’s Brooklyn Holloway and Briley Prather put the wraps on the first ever girls golf season in school history Monday.

Holloway and Prather took 28th and 29th, respectively, at the Class 4A Regional Tournament, hosted by Woodland Hills Golf Course in Fort Scott.

Holloway, a sophomore, carded a 126 over the 18-hole course.

Iola High’s Briley Prather chips onto the green at a tournament earlier this season.Photo by Richard Luken / Iola Register

Prather, a junior, was one stroke behind at 127.

Baldwin’s Peyton Wright won the individual regional championship, with a 9-over-par 81, one stroke clear of Ashley Myers of Bishop Miege.

Baldwin and Bishop Miege also went 1-2 in the team results. With only two golfers competing, Iola was ineligible for a team score.

The Class 4A State Tournament is Monday and Tuesday in Hesston.

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