IHS cheerleaders are tops at camp



August 29, 2012 - 12:00 AM

Iola High’s cheerleaders made a change this summer. They got the same results.

The past two years the IHS cheer squad has left their summer camp with top honors. That was in Emporia.

In July, the Iola cheerleaders changed it up and went to the Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) camp at Coffeyville Community College. Iola raked in the top awards from the Top Banana, the tradition award, the cheer competition championship trophy, camp champs award, the spirit stick each day and blue ribbons on every evaluation during the camp.

“We were encouraged last year at camp by our instructor and camp officials to try the camp at Coffeyville instead of Emporia State. It’s another UCA camp like the one at Emporia so I decided to change it up,” said Penny Herder, who is in her 15th year as cheer coach at IHS.

The 2012 camp was the fifth straight year an Iola High cheer squad has come away with the Top Banana award. 

 Camp champs award includes a trophy and a Gatorade water cooler. Iola was awarded a new award “the Red Shirt,” given by the trainers to the team that gave more each day not only in performances but also helping at the end of the day to pick up and keep the camp clean and organized. The Iola squad received a Gatorade cooler on wheels full of Gatorade products.

“Our young ladies have worked hard since March tryouts and held fundraisers. They had 6 a.m. practices until camp then took a break following camp,” Herder said. “We were off for three weeks then practices began again.

“They represented Iola High and the community well at camp. I’m very proud of them.”

Iola seniors Tori Snavely, Chanel Coyne, Caitlyn Callaway and Danielle Venter went through the All-Star Cheerleader tryouts during camp. They all received medals and the opportunity to pay their own way to London to perform with cheerleaders in the New Year’s Parade.

Coyne earned her third consecutive “Pin-It Award.”

“They give the Pin-It Award to girls the staff members believe embodied the definition of a cheerleader. They look at leadership qualities,” Herder said. “Tori and Chanel were extended offers to work for UCA in future camps. That’s always a great honor and a job opportunity if they choose to try out and make it.”
