HOFNOD: Youngsters reel in fish aplenty

A total of 95 children landed more than 200 fish out of Abbott's Pond Saturday as part of the annual HOFNOD fishing derby. The top youngsters in each age group received special prizes.


June 5, 2024 - 1:55 PM

Age group winners pose for a photo Saturday following the annual Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs derby hosted by the Iola Police Department. Courtesy photo

Youngsters pulled 211 fish out of Abbott’s Pond in north Iola Saturday as part of the annual Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs derby.

Ninety-five children, ages 2-17, were a part of the festivities, sponsored by the Iola Police Department.

Isaac Mentzer landed the most fish among all competitors with 11, totaling 4.61 pounds, while Henry Cramer brought in the largest single fish, at 2.97 pounds. Shaun McLaughlin caught the smallest fish, weighing. 07 pounds, or a shade over one ounce.

Prizes went to the top four finishers, boys and girls, of each age group.

Results follow:

Ages 2-8

1. Harper Robb, 8 fish, 8.76 pounds

2. Jaxon Erbert, 5 fish, 7.59 pounds

3. Ryder Harden, 4 fish, 7.5 pounds

4 (boy). Jax Meats, 10 fish, 6.02 pounds

4 (girl). Faith Mentzer, 6 fish, 2.88 pounds

Ages 9-12

1. Hunter Robb, 6 fish, 2.77 pounds

2. Breckin Erbert, 2 fish, 2.59 pounds

3. Daegan Rodriguez, 3 fish, 2.49 pounds

4. Abram Droessler (boy), 1 fish, 2.16 pounds

4 (girl). Maicy Kimball, 3 fish, 2.16 pounds.

Ages 13-17

1. Isabelle Morton, 7 fish, 2.92 pounds

2. Heaven Moor, 2 fish, 2.09 pounds

3. Karen Glukowsky, 2 fish, 1.87 pounds

4. Jaiden Lieberman (boy), 5 fish, .072 pounds

4. Faith Daniels (girl), 2 fish. .40 pounds
