KSHSAA picked its first of what will surely be many fights with the weather this week and lost after state golf was either postponed or suspended across the state including at the 4A site in Winfield and the 2A site in Hesston.
On the 4A side, Iola senior Jeremy Waldman had made his way through a third of the course when the weather hit. He currently sits 65th overall after six holes with a 17-over.
Yates Center sophomore Easton Reynolds and freshman Jack King sit fifth and seventh overall in Hesston at the 2A meet with a two-over. Reynolds has played through the first eight holes and King through the first six.
Junior Reece Solander is four holes in and sits 13th with a three-over.
Yates Center senior Aaron King is sitting 48th after six holes with a eight-over and freshman Addison Solander is sitting at a 15-over after six holes which is good for 71st.
Humboldt senior Ryan Sellman is sitting in 29th with a five-over after the first six holes.
The 4A meet planned to restart today but with the rain looking to continue into the afternoon, it seems likely that both 2A and 4A will be put off until later this week due to course conditions. As of press time, an official restart time for either meet had yet to be announced.