Columbus is set on move to CNC



September 14, 2011 - 12:00 AM

Two southeast Kansas newspapers reported that Columbus USD 493’s board of education has voted to petition the Crawford-Neosho-Cherokee (CNC) League for membership for Columbus High School.
Columbus decision was made by a 4-3 vote last week. CHS is looking to leave the Southeast Kansas League for the CNC starting the 2012-13 school year.
The Pittsburg Sun and Fort Scott Tribune had reports of the decision. The Sun also stated Columbus Junior High School had submitted a petition to the CCCJL.
Declining enrollment and travel expenses were cited as reasons for the decision to change leagues.
If the CNC grants Columbus’ request to join, the SEK will have two schools leaving its ranks next year. Iola High is moving to the Pioneer League as of the 2012-13 season after a decision made by USD 257 board of education last fall.
The Tribune reported the SEK has been a very stable league for the majority of its history. The move will leave the SEK, which was founded in 1927, with seven schools — Fort Scott, Chanute, Coffeyville-Field Kindley, Independence, Labette County, Parsons and Pittsburg.
As with Iola in the Pioneer League, Columbus would be the largest school in the CNC. Columbus, Girard and Baxter Springs would be Class 4A schools in the CNC. Iola joins Anderson County, Prairie View and Osawatomie at Class 4A level in the Pioneer League.
In the SEK, Columbus is the smallest school, which is made up of all 4A schools except Pittsburg (5A).
Parsons was second smallest and Iola third according to 2010-11 Kansas high school enrollment figures cited by the Tribune.
Southeast Kansas League

Team    League    Overall
Fort Scott    2-0    2-0
Parsons    2-0    2-0
Pittsburg    2-0    2-0
Chanute    1-0    2-0
Independence    1-0    2-0
Coffeyville    0-2    0-2
Columbus    0-2    0-2
Iola    0-2    0-2
Labette County    0-2    0-2
Sept. 9 Games
Chanute 27, Labette County 13
Fort Scott 26, Coffeyville 8
Parsons 57, Iola 32
Independence 60, Osawatomie 6
Pittsburg 46, Columbus 7
Friday’s Games
Coffeyville at Iola
Columbus at Chanute
Independence at Fort Scott
Parsons at Labette County
Pittsburg at Paola
