Area Special Olympics athletes compete in state track and field


June 8, 2010 - 12:00 AM

The ANW Cooperative Special Olympics athletes competed in the 40th Kansas State Special Olympics Track and Field Meet over the weekend.
There also were several athletes from the Allen County Special Olympics taking part.
Here are the results for the ANW group:
Jonathan Criss, Iola, second in tennis ball throw, first in 25-meter run; Leibreanne Moore, Moran, second in tennis ball throw; Paige Riley, Iola, second in 25-meter run, third in tennis ball throw; Nathaniel Streeter, LaHarpe, fifth in softball throw, fourth in 100-meter run; Tyler Streeter, LaHarpe, third in 100-meter run, first in standing long jump; Kendra Thron, Elsmore, first in 50-meter dash, first in standing long jump; Wolfgang Webber, Colony, fourth in 50-meter dash, fourth in tennis ball throw; Abby Westgate, Moran, second in 100-meter run, second in softball throw; Hana Westgate, Moran, second in 100-meter run; second in softball throw; Chrstopher White, Iola, first in tennis ball throw, fifth in 50-meter dash; Derek White, Iola, third in 100-meter run, fourth in running long jump.
Relays: fourth-team of N. Streeter, T. Streeter, C. White and D. White; fourth-team of Moore, Thron, A. Westgate, H. Westgate.
Here are the results for Allen County group: Casey Riebel, LaHarpe, third softball throw, second 100-meter run; Steven Riebel, LaHarpe, second in softball throw, first in 25-meter assisted walk; Joe Towne, Iola, third in 200-meter run; fifth in standing long jump.
