Stocks are trading at record highs on Wall Street. VOTER TURNOUT Tuesday was almost 50 percent in Kansas. WHICH LEADS us to soup kitchens, in 2014, in one of the wealthiest countries of the world.
Meanwhile in Iola, a soup kitchen has opened.
The disconnect is disconcerting.
Since the stock market’s nadir in 2009, inflation-adjusted figures report it has grown by 92 percent; corporate profits are up 46 percent and the economy 12 percent.
Household incomes? Down 3 percent.
With fewer than half of Americans owning stock, and a fraction of those with any substantial investments, most are not feeling the love.
Far from it.
While the incomes of the lower and middle classes remain suppressed, those of the wealthy are performing cartwheels.
Which is why for the first time in Iola’s history a soup kitchen has opened along with its food pantry, the popular monthly meals served at the St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, and the food backpack program sponsored by Wesley United Methodist.
More than 100 meals were served on Nov. 2, opening day. At this point, it’s a Sunday-only operation at First Presbyterian.
And lest you are tempted to think these people are laggards looking for a handout, prithee, come meet them.
To a one, the able-bodied have jobs. No, they aren’t high-paying jobs. And most aren’t full time, or at least the kind with benefits. Rather, they work one or two jobs at minimal pay, which earns them enough to get by — almost.
To a one, they are grateful for the free meal that helps stretch their paychecks. And happy to see people care.
Iola also has a program called Circles, which pairs those in poverty with those from middle-income backgrounds.
The purpose of Circles is to grow a community whose goal is to fight poverty through education and relationships. For those involved, it’s as much of a learning experience for those serving as mentors as those receiving guidance.
Minorities and young voters were the least represented demographics at the polls. Most feel powerless to change a government that increasingly caters to the wealthy.
More than $3.5 billion was spent in this recent election.
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the campaign that spent the most prevailed more than 80 percent of the time.
Fearmongering and negativity also beat out messages of hope and change.
Locally, the homespun efforts by parents who wanted new schools were no match to their well-funded opponents who flooded our mailboxes with postcards and mailings as well as a billboard.
In the race for U.S. Senate, incumbent Pat Roberts spent almost $7 million against Greg Orman’s $3.5 million.
And Margie Wakefield never had a chance against incumbent Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins, who raised more than $2.3 million — two-thirds from political action committees — compared to Wakefield’s $722,000.
No wonder the poor feel marginalized. Their concerns don’t come with a campaign contribution.
— Susan Lynn