What happened to the real GOP?


January 3, 2014 - 12:00 AM

I’ve considered myself a moderate Republican from the time I was old enough to think seriously about such things.
Nowadays I don’t know what to call myself. By standards espoused by the ultra-conservatives, I’m liberal and a Democrat, which I’d accept rather than be dishonest with myself for political advantage.
I think government at all levels should be concerned about all citizens, willing to provide safety nets for the poor, fund an education that equips our children to be productive adults — not just “adequate” — and deal with social and infrastructure concerns.
What troubles me most in Kansas today are politicians such as Kris Kobach, who rants about illegals to the point that he’s willing to make it an ordeal for everyone to register and vote. That’s a non-existent problem, folks. The Associated Press reported last week that just 20 illegals’ registrations were found among 1.7 million on Kansas voting rolls.
I’ve always thought highly of Sam Brownback, but his apparent fiscal capitulation to the very wealthy has me disturbed. We all know who really benefits from extreme income tax cuts.
A number of times the Register has noted editorially the ever-growing financial chasm between the haves and the have-nots. That, as much as anything, has battered our economy. Trickle-down economics was shown to be faulty policy in the Hoover administration, and several times since. Why would it work today in Kansas?
What we have is a growing group of people who monthly have to decide what bills to let go for a spell, just so they can feed and clothe their family. And, with Kansas turning its back on federal support that would have increased the Medicaid rolls, health care is out of the reach of many good, honest but poor citizens.
I don’t think anyone is poor by choice. Throwing all into a common pot, describing them as a lazy and unwilling to work, is just plan wrong.
Though it may be considered liberal today, I think the Christian approach is to give those who are downtrodden a leg up, which in many cases may be all they need to regain traction.
As my mentor Emerson Lynn wrote several times, I don’t think I’ve moved away from the Republican Party, I think the GOP has moved away from me.

—Bob Johnson
