On Monday evening and a week earlier, groundwork was laid for as yet undecided improvements for schools in USD 257.
The goal for participants is to discover what they think voters will find acceptable in the form of new — or at least improved — schools.
On Nov. 4, 2014, that was far from what occurred. Then, a $50 million bond issue for a new school campus north of town was turned back in no-doubt fashion, 1,812 to 1,128. That’s 62 percent against, 32 percent for.
The next meeting will be May 15, place and time to be decided later.
Dan Willis, a school board member who was not involved in that capacity in November 2014, is moderator. He intends to draw positive ideas from participants.
Location always is a factor, but so is money. An issue of $50 million is large enough to give homeowners, as well as those who pay more for assessments on businesses and industries, pause.
One consideration is a new elementary school that would consolidate the three attendance centers dotted about Iola. That, too, was mentioned during the run-up to the 2014 vote.
That leaves the high school, remodeled nearly 30 years ago, and the middle school, which underwent upgrades in 1992, untouched, except for necessities such as roof work and heating and cooling systems.
The two secondary level schools, both a century or so old, still look nice from the outside, but the facelifts that came with remodeling hide concerns such as uneven floors, settling foundations, a number of other deficiencies and generalities that don’t mesh with delivery of modern education.
However, it would seem an up-to-snuff elementary school would stand a much better chance of drawing voter interest, and with that out of the way before too many years another issue might be looked on favorably.
The task given those who will meet in the weeks and months ahead is not an easy one, but one that will promise to reward local kids with better opportunities to compete in higher education or the work-a-day world after they are graduated from high school.
If you have an idea or proposal you think might be helpful contact Willis or write a letter to the Register.
The more help the task force members get, the better they can be constructive in all they do.
— Bob Johnson