Robert Dear exhibited what now becomes clear as psychopathic traits.
He’s on record for domestic violence; abusing animals; for being a “peeping Tom;” stalking, and for seeking sadomasochistic sex over the Internet.
He has lived an isolated, paranoid existence in the Colorado wilderness.
So when he opened fire from a Planned Parenthood clinic on Saturday, those who knew him well were not that surprised. Left untreated, it was only a matter of time that Dear would act out again. They just didn’t know what or who the target might be.
Yes, he was against abortion, his ex-wife of 16 years said, but it was only one of the many offenses Dear considered inherent in a “liberal” agenda, including Barack Obama as president of the United States.
In fact, Dear fired indiscriminately at those in the Colorado Springs shopping plaza. Some were doing their grocery shopping.
Planned Parenthood clinics have become a cause célèbre in recent months by those who demonize their services, of which 3 percent are abortions. Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, contraception and cancer screenings comprise the other 97 percent of their health care services.
Saturday’s toll? Three dead; nine wounded after a five-hour standoff.
SUCH ATTACKS on innocents have a chilling effect on society.
“Pack heat,” say the gun enthusiasts.
But using violence to fight violence only escalates the savagery.
And as a society we must guard against paranoia overriding our better judgments of being trusting of one another. Or else we’ll never set foot outside again.
— Susan Lynn