Snuggling up with Doris


August 10, 2013 - 12:00 AM

My brother and I aren’t big on giving gifts, but this past Christmas we decided to give it a shot. I spent a whole $20 on an electric beer sign (from some German brewery I’ve never heard of) — he loved it. He gave me his old guitar, which he affectionately named Doris.
Doris is an old (probably around 1970s) Fannin acoustic guitar, which he bought for $35 off Craigslist down in Texas. It plays surprisingly well, and only has a few dings here and there. As a (very) amateur player, it was good enough for me.
So, I started playing a few chords, learning some easy songs. Starting out it feels like your hand will never get the notes quite right, but over time it starts to come together. Before I knew it I was playing “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd in its entirety.
Although, it wasn’t perfect. I noticed my girlfriend wincing as I missed notes and let the “twangs” fly as I suffered through the songs. Maybe I should get lessons, I thought.
I called over to our local guitar shop, T&R Guitars, and spoke to Randy Bevard. He agreed to pencil me in on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. for a half-hour lesson.
This week I took my first lesson, and things went well. We talked about what music I liked, and what my goals were with my new instrument. He taught me some fundamentals that I didn’t know and set me on my way for the next week of practice. I’m pumped.
Sometimes I don’t realize the opportunities I have in my life, to expand my horizons. We all have the opportunity to enrich our lives, and sometimes don’t take the chance. All it took for me was a quick phone call, and now I’m learning a new musical instrument. Sure, I’m no Jimi Hendrix at this point, but I’m having a good time.
All it takes is that first step. Whether you want to learn a new sport, take up knitting and crocheting (I’ve been through that phase, believe it or not), learn an instrument or just learn how to change the oil in your car. I get caught up in work, watching TV and relaxing — sometimes I forget that life can just pass me by, I might as well make the most of it.
Either way, I have something to pass the time on a rainy day. Doris and I are getting pretty close these days.
