Shkreli’s comedown


August 8, 2017 - 12:00 AM

Martin Shkreli is at one and the same time described as charismatic as well as “the most hated man in America.”
Shkreli, 34, is best known for inflating the price of the drug Daraprim by 5,000 percent — from $13.50 to nearly $750 a pill — all because he could. The drug combats infections common to AIDS and cancer patients.
On Friday, Shkreli was convicted of securities fraud in part by using the proceeds of his pharmaceutical company Retrophin to rescue that of two hedge funds, MSMB Capital and MSMB Healthcare, while keeping investors in the dark.
Shkreli was regarded as a boy genius, taking Wall Street by storm at age 16. That may be, but he’s still a spoiled brat with the manners to match.
During his five-week trial Shkreli acted in a disrespectful, petulant and childish manner. Rather than be humiliated and humbled by the experience, Shkreli posted on social media Friday night that his time behind bars likely will be “close to nil,” and that he looks forward to spending some time in “Club Fed,” where he’ll hone his tennis and basketball skills.
This is where you hope fate indeed can be tempted and that Shkreli’s insolence will be rewarded with a stiff sentence.
Which brings us to a recent article about the Wichita school district’s intention to bring back a program to combat bad behavior among students. In the last four years, the Associated Press article reported, disciplinary incidents among elementary students has increased 53 percent.
Part of the problem is a disconnect between cultures, administrators said, noting the majority of teachers are white, middle-class and female while the student makeup reflects a wide range of ethnicities, with Hispanics representing the majority.
Even so, as evidenced by Mr. Shkreli, one’s social status does not necessarily  confer good manners. And, on the flip side, to expect bad behavior solely because of the color of one’s skin is, of course, outright prejudice. A teaching staff of predominantly white females can bridge cultural differences just as effectively as anyone else. A willingness to understand where everyone is coming from and where they want to be headed can go a long ways.
Wichita’s program takes a positive approach by rewarding good behaviors, not just punishing the bad. It also reinforces a culture of respect so that students and teachers together can create an environment conducive for learning.
Education is more than just teaching the three Rs, but includes instilling life skills to help youth become successful, well-adjusted adults.
Yes, a family’s responsibility, but as we know today, it takes a village.
WE DON’T know what Mr. Shkreli’s upbringing was like other than he attended private schools. In one of his tweets — before Twitter banned him —Shkreli posted, “I am now a god.”
We all have a role to play in taming such egos, including proving they are counterproductive. We are put on this earth to serve, not to reign. And it’s only with a servant’s attitude that we can become effective leaders.

— Susan Lynn
