Thanks to the infusion of estrogen in the U.S. Senate, the country was saved from catastrophe this week.
Specifically, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Kelly Ayote, New Hampshire, and Lisa Murkowski, Alaska, reached across the aisle to Democrats to formulate a successful plan to reopen the doors to government and save it from defaulting on its debt.
On the Democratic side, Sens. Barbara Mikulski, Maryland, and Patty Murray, Washington, were key negotiators.
Of the 13 senators who served on a bipartisan committee to come up with a suitable deal, half were women.
Perhaps because they are smaller in number, female members of the Senate, no matter their party affiliation, meet regularly to work on legislation.
It’s not unusual for them to meet after-hours for informal get-togethers. The practice engenders good listening skills. It’s harder to ignore a friend’s point of view.
Wednesday, the Houston Chronicle retracted its support for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, known for his 21-hour monologue demanding the Affordable Care Act be stripped of its funding before any action would be taken on funding the federal government.
The Chronicle pined for the days of Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, whom Cruz replaced, and Hutchinson’s diplomatic skills.
“We miss her extraordinary understanding of the importance of reaching across the aisle when necessary,” read the Chronicle editorial. “Cruz has been part of the problem in specific situations, where Hutchinson would have been part of the solution.”
NOW THAT the impasse is over — for now — perhaps male legislators can take note from their female peers on what makes effective governance. It’s really nothing more than respect for each other and keeping your sights on the greater good.
Sometimes it’s the simple lessons that are so hard to learn.