Remarks about Fiorina’s face may trip up Trump


September 16, 2015 - 12:00 AM

Finally, someone may have a criticism about Donald Trump that has staying power.
Carly Fiorina, the only female contender in the Republican pool of candidates, released a powerful video spot Monday called “Look at This Face.”
To a background of music that builds in momentum, the images of various women appear while Fiorina lauds America’s women as fighters, leaders, and successes.
The ad is in response to a remark Trump recently made about Fiorina’s appearance: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? … I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not s’posed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”
In typical manner, Trump is now backpedaling, much as he did with his insensitive remarks about Megyn Kelly, the Fox News broadcaster. Her aggressive style during the first televised debate of this interminable campaign, Trump intimated, must be because she was menstruating.
As for his comments about Fiorina’s face, Trump is now saying he meant her “persona.”
EVEN SO,  it’s a pathetic argument to hang your hat on. Being sexist is Trump’s least offense.
Here’s a short list of his most egregious positions.
1. According to Trump, the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour is adequate;
2. Climate change is a hoax;
3. Undocumented immigrants should be shipped back home, because half are criminals anyway;
4. Corporations should not pay taxes;
5. The United States should “take back” the oil fields in Iraq and increase U.S. troops there to fight Islamist militants, and,
6. His years at a private boarding school sufficed for serving in the military. Trump dodged the Vietnam War with deferments — bone spurs. “I always felt that I was in the military,” Trump said when his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy, an expensive prep school.

TONIGHT’S debate among the candidates vying for the Republican Party’s nomination will be entertaining, no doubt. But could we dare hope it’s for the right reasons.
— Susan Lynn
