Now it may sound selfish, but may I suggest that this Christmas you not forget yourself.
For me, it means taking some time to reassess my values, not only as a person, but also as a publisher, and to give myself a much-needed pep talk.
Journalists are especially susceptible to giving the squeaky wheel too much ink. They make for good press because they are passionate about their pet causes but we have to stand guard against those who have it as their mission to create unwarranted havoc.
This year, perhaps because of the elections, we’ve had numerous instances of people coming in with “news” tips. Sure, we’ll hear them out, sometimes over multiple days, but when you come away feeling dirty, that’s a harbinger for trouble.
Perhaps it’s because people know we are keen to be on the side of the underdog that they seek us out to tell their story. If they are the victim of governmental overreach or have witnessed a misuse of public funds or authority, we absolutely are their guy.
But more times than not people want us to partake in a personal vendetta and splash headlines slandering someone’s character. Not only is that unwise from a business perspective, but as a community.
The Register’s primary goal is to build up community, not tear it down.
IN MY ROLE as publisher I’ve had plenty of people wanting to tear me down. I have recently been “advised” that if I would stop writing opinion pieces then circulation and advertising would increase. This fall I was ridiculed for admitting I had been sexually assaulted as a young woman.
OK, so just two.
So why do I let that get under my skin?
It’s complicated.
First, I don’t take kindly to bullying especially when I know those same comments would not have been made if I were a man.
Second, I am a pleaser, which is a terrible trait when you’re trying to stick to your guns. When writing an opinion you sometimes have to come down on one side or another. My wanting to please (everybody!) often conflicts with that practice and it takes some bucking up, and buckling down, to follow through.
And third, thank goodness, I am of a competitive nature, which makes me try harder and not give in to either naysayers or personal doubts.
Becoming strong — both physically and mentally — helps you not only weather your critics, but also be more comfortable in your skin, showing your emotions and vulnerabilities.
SO THIS Christmas take a minute to believe in yourself and the gifts God has given you. Being confident, is a gift to others.