[Readers’ forum] Vote McKinney for state treasurer


October 29, 2010 - 12:00 AM

Vote for Dennis McKinney for state treasurer. He was appointed state treasurer when Lynn Jenkins went to Congress and was, at that time, minority leader in the Kansas House of Representatives.
His family has a farming and ranching operation near Greensburg. Since becoming state treasurer, he has administered the Learning Quest Higher Education Savings Program, which helps Kansans save for their children’s education. He has returned a record amount of un-claimed property, oversees a Housing Loan Program to provide lower interest home loans through Kansas banks and the Ag Loan Program to help grow family farms.
McKinney has the experience needed for this office. He has endorsements from Kansas Farm Bureau, Kan-sas Agri Business Council, Kansas Transportation Union and Kansas Contractors Association, among others.

Joan Perez
Humboldt, Kan.
