What has happened to the following programs and projects?
The breakfast with Santa, tennis lessons, golf lessons, recreation sponsored horseshoe tournaments, the youth wrestling program, the baseball clinic with Allen County Community College players and the T-ball field that was to be established at Cannon Park
The youth soccer field that the Recreation Commission was involved with behind B&W Trailer Hitches and programs for the senior citizens.
Why hasn’t the recreation board’s Web site been updated in the last year?
Why aren’t all the recreation board members listed on the city’s TV information channel? The board made a decision in May of 2009 to advertise the directors position yearly. With a term that would run from June to June. It is now the middle of August. Why hasn’t the position been advertised?
What are the supervisors salaries for soccer, youth football, basketball and baseball? Who were the supervisors for these programs over the last year?
Joe Works built and gave our community one of the nicest ballfields in the area. It is my understanding the Recreation Commission is in charge of maintenance of the field. What are they doing to help finish it?
The Recreation Commission is its own entity answerable to no one? They do have to answer to the people whose tax dollars fund their programs.
Larry Mendoza
Humboldt, Kan.