[Readers’ forum] Commission or council?


October 29, 2010 - 12:00 AM

This coming Tuesday, Nov. 2, we have several very important questions listed on the ballot to be voted on.
One of those questions affecting the citizens of Iola regards Charter Ordinance Number 17, the formation of a five person city commission to rule the city of Iola governmental affairs.
Charter Ordinance Number 17 came to life in the months following the April 2009 election when the voters of Iola decided by a very large majority (2 to 1) to abolish the commission form of government in favor of a larger, more representative city council form of government.
The seated city commission, saying they feared citizens were confused by the language of the question voted on and had not fully understood what form of government was needed, set in motion the ground work for Charter Ordinance Number 17.
A meeting with the Kansas League of Municipalities was held to try to inform citizens of differences between commissions and councils. The formation of a citizens group of 14 members, of which I was one, was brought together to define different forms of city governments and how they would work for Iola.
After weeks of discussions the group held a vote and the majority favored a larger, more representative city council with seven members. The city commission still favored its plans for Charter Ordinance Number 17, which would seat a five person commission, and held a non-binding vote. The question was for a five, seven or nine person commission.
The outcome was truly non-binding in the fact that the majority of the voters cast their votes for a government with more than five seated.
Now we are asked once again to go to the polls and answer a question that I feel has been answered twice before by majority.
Please join me and vote No on Charter Ordinance Number 17.

James J Kilby
Iola, Kan.
