Now it is time to move ahead



November 7, 2014 - 12:00 AM

The email message began: Over the next few days, anyone who follows politics is going to be inundated with all sorts of opinions and beliefs about what happened this election, why it happened, and what it all means.
I think I’ll take a pass and not burden myself with worrying about election results. They’re a fact of life. And, the just-concluded election cycle provided all the intrigue I can stand for a spell.
I’ll make no bones about it, I was disappointed the USD 257 new schools issue failed, but the voters spoke, and in resounding fashion.
Why the issue failed may be laid to several components and it is difficult to try to separate one from another. The combination was fatal.
The fact remains our schools need attention and board members will take a long, hard look at what their next step will be when they meet Monday night.
The best of all outcomes will be for proponents and opponents of the issue just failed to offer suggestions and together try their best to find a way to deal with overcrowding, accessibility, security, structural deficiencies and all other problems and concerns that were discussed in the run-up to the referendum on bond and sales tax funding.
At some point we will settle on solutions for all that troubles local schools. We must. It is our children who are at risk and whose futures hang in the balance.
If you have a bright idea don’t hesitate to contact a member of the school board.
Tony Leavitt, its president, mentioned after the election he was open to proposals anyone thought would be helpful.
“Call me anytime, even at 2 a.m. if you have an idea,” Tony said — but don’t take that bit of hyperbole (2 a.m.) to heart. If you call, do so at a reasonable hour.
He and the other six board members, as well as administrators, want to find a way to do what is best for our kids.
They deserve no less.
