Loyal Republicans wipe the floor in Tuesday’s elections


November 5, 2015 - 12:00 AM

Hands down, Republicans represent their party better than Democrats.
The results of Tuesday’s elections showed lopsided victories for Republican candidates and conservative measures across the nation.
In Kentucky, the dark horse candidate, a wealthy businessman with no previous political experience, was elected governor. Why? Republicans not only are very faithful to their party, but they also vote.
In a state where there are more registered Democrats than Republicans, the victory for Matt Bevin was not expected.
Not only did Bevin win, he did so by a 9-point margin.

IN HOUSTON, conservative voters also claimed victory in their rejection of the city’s anti-discrimination ordinance.
Yes, you read right.
An ordinance that prohibited discrimination against race, sex, religion and age was overturned.
In what was known as the “bathroom vote,” the issue revolved around gays and a non-sequitur translation that condoning same-sex relationships was an invitation for sexual predators to frequent public bathrooms.
Just plain tired of all the “political correctness” of today’s world, the measure was “about protecting our grandmoms, and our mothers and our wives and our sisters and our daughters and our granddaughters,” said Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a Republican, who supported the defeat of the ordinance.
The loss was also a slap in the face to Houston’s openly gay mayor, Annise D. Parker, who had hitherto enjoyed broad support in her three terms.

IF YOU don’t vote, your opinions count for nothing.
— Susan Lynn
