Perhaps Allen County commissioners were a tad overzealous Tuesday in their concern that the parking lot abutting the new G&W Foods and the medical arts building did not meet their expectations and were merely wanting to assure Allen County citizens they are good stewards of our tax dollars.
That’s being generous.
In reality, the commissioners look incredibly petty in accusing G&W of “sneaking” a strip of green grass into the plans in place of what they thought were going to be additional parking spaces.
To add insult to injury, the commissioners are asking County Counselor Alan Weber to investigate the “crime” and see if they can wrestle some of the money back they put toward the parking lot.
According to city offices, the current plans for the parking lot — including the green space — have been on file since last fall, so why commissioners are acting “surprised” is a puzzle.
According to Gregg Hutton, Iola code officer, the parking lot meets code for having adequate parking spaces for the grocery and clinic. Hutton also likes the fact the green space will help absorb water runoff.
In our view, the green space will look great in that sea of gray concrete.
THIS IS A CASE of looking for trouble where none exists.
What a waste of energy.
— Susan Lynn