Local control loses meaning


May 31, 2013 - 12:00 AM

Many Kansas legislators take exception to what’s sent the state’s way by the federal government.
They turned back federal compensation for expanded Medicaid coverage over the next three years, with the provision that the state would assume 10 percent of the cost after that. Their excuse is Washington might renege, seemingly without considering the outcome being many poor Kansans will just have to do without.
They rail about the Affordable Care Act, which is the law of the land and is going forward regardless of whether Kansas signs on to participatory advantages. And they abdicated responsibility to design our own exchange by not accepting funding for that, too.
The thinking is Obama and his Democrat cronies just want to subjugate us all. The misguided response? We’ll show them.
Take concealed carry.
When concealed carry first arose, local option determined whether guns could be carried under a coat or in a hip pocket in buildings under the thumb of cities, counties and schools. Most governing bodies decided to put their facilities off limits.
They feared an argument, fit of contentiousness or a misunderstanding might lead to a scene from the Old West. A gunfight unfolding in the courthouse lobby would create far more problems than it solved, was their reasonable analysis.
That wasn’t good enough for the new crop of lackluster legislators. They are more concerned about flexing their power to vote and appeasing lobbyists who are eager for an atmosphere in Kansas conducive to firearms, and the commercial advantages that come with it.
The result: A law that takes effect July 1 opens just about every public building to concealed firearms.
LET’S LOOK closer.
The lion’s share — and probably then some — of Kansans who have taken concealed carry classes and earned certification are mighty fine folks. They are honest, hard-working and care about their communities; citizens we’re all pleased to call friends and neighbors.
There is every reason to think that a very small percentage ever will take advantage of concealed carry certification to the point of “packing heat” each time they leave home. They may carry a handgun hidden away in their vehicle, but going to the trouble of actually carrying one is another matter.
That isn’t the point that should concern.
Our focus should be on the intrusiveness of the Legislature, with members far too eager to pander to big interest groups and make local entities suffer for it.
The vast majority of Kansans are being ignored to a favored few.
— Bob Johnson
