Dear editor,
I am baffled by things going on in this election. I can not believe that a woman would sit and let a man inappropriately touch her and do nothing. If someone touched me in an inappropriate manner they would be quickly brought back to reality. A slap from my hand.
I feel the lies have taken us down the wrong road. A lifetime of Clinton lies is enough. Email uncovered where the politicized FBI dare not go seem to tell the truth.
Lillian Orzechowski,
Iola, Kan.
Dear editor,
Are you in favor of abortion? Especially, are you in favor of dismemberment, where the baby is literally torn apart in the womb?
Many are against Sam Brownback and his policies, I know. However, I heard the advertisement on our local radio station this morning to vote “yes” on all Kansas Supreme Court Justices.
According to Kansans for Life those who do not believe in dismemberment are to vote “no” on all Supreme Court Justices, rejecting them except Caleb Stegall and “no” on the Court of Appeals except David E. Bruns and Kathryn A. Gardner.
Please vote your conscience.
Thank you,
Sharon Thyer,
Iola, Kan.