Letters to the editor — Oct. 15, 2016


October 14, 2016 - 12:00 AM

Dear editor,

This year, Kansans have the option of re-electing a Republican Senate and a Republican House that have consistently done the bidding of Republican Gov. Sam Brownback, whose experiments with our money and our lives have taken us down the dark path of failure and bad judgment. 

It’s time for Kansas voters to say they want some fundamental things we see other people in other states have, like health care, zero taxes on food, schools with well-paid teachers, and healthy students learning science and the arts. We want to know that our future does not include losing the farm because a family member got sick and had to go to the emergency room.

Republicans have been intent on shackling us with an insidious new form of slavery — a minimum wage that no one can survive on, crippling poverty, an educational system that has been disemboweled, zero healthcare for common folks, no security for our old age, and the wealthiest paying no taxes, hoarding the money that should be in our treasury. We are dependent on charity to pay for operations and medicines. Every day Kansas loses an estimated $1.9 million  thanks to the Obama-haters in Topeka who refuse to expand Medicaid. 

The foxes are in charge of the hen house now, and that’s who we’ve got running our state government in Topeka, and our country’s Congress in Washington, D.C. Don’t buy into the desperate lie that President  Obama is responsible for Kansas going broke. The Republicans are in full control in Topeka. They are the ones that need to be voted out of office in November. 

Voting is not a popularity contest. It is about selecting people who we hope will have our best interests at heart. It is trusting that these people are compassionate, caring, knowledgeable, respectful, honest, and smarter than we are about almost everything. 

In a few days Kansas voters will have the awesome American opportunity to deal with the damage that’s been done to our state. All we have to do is go into the booth and cast our ballots for people who actually care about us and our families. 

Brownback’s  trickle-down economic policies have worked only to serve the wealthy. They have not stimulated the economy. Wake up folks. Do not vote for anyone who aligns themselves with the Republican Tea Party. 

This election will determine the next four years of your life and your dreams. 

Tom Ellis,

Iola, Kan.

Dear editor,

In a previous letter to the editor I incorrectly stated that a case investigated by the sheriff’s department was led by then undersheriff Jerry Daniels (currently a county commissioner.) 

That statement was and is incorrect. The case referred to actually occurred after Mr. Daniels had opted to resign as undersheriff. 
