Dear editor,
My letter today is to show support for Mike Aronson candidate for Allen County sheriff. I am a life time resident of Allen County, minus a total of five years that I was either in college or beginning my journey into the world of being an adult and supporting myself and my family. I am very blessed with the positive roles models I have had and still have in my life. My parents have always taught me to never burn a bridge. Even though you may want to bite back and fight for what you believe in you can do that in a positive way.
Yesterday, Mike was a target of a very spirited and negative letter. Each person in this community is allowed their opinion and I believe that, but each person can also convey their opinion in a very positive manner.
I have written many letters to the editor and never sent them because they were negative. They were factual, but not necessarily positive regarding Sheriff Murphy, and why as a parent sector for Humboldt on ACMAT and DFC, I no longer attend the meetings. So, we go with positives. Truly Mike Aronson has been positive.
Mike, Virginia and I have visited a lot the last couple of days. The battles Mike has fought positively have shown me that he is what is needed. He can be the change and a positive change. I truly hope that if Mike Aronson wins all our elected officials can work together for the betterment of Allen County.
Sometimes when you need it most a quote is placed in front of you, one that has stuck with me for many years, range true again yesterday and it truly tells me Mike, will “Soar with the Eagles.” When the going gets tough he will stand strong and not complain about it, he will dig his heels in and Soar with the Eagles vs quack with the ducks. When a storm hits, the eagle sets its wings so that the wind picks it up and lifts it above the storm. The eagle uses the storm to lift it higher and stay above the fray. A quote by Harvey Mackay, “Stop complaining! Differentiate yourself from your competition. Don’t be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd.” … “No one can make you serve customers well. That’s because great service is a choice.” My choice is Mike Aronson, he won’t be a duck, he will soar above the crowd and serve our county well, because that is his choice.
Mona Hull
Humboldt, Kan.
Dear editor,
As a resident of Allen County you have a civic duty to go to the polls on Nov. 8 to vote for the next sheriff. Vote for the candidate that in your heart and mind will serve all of the residents of Allen County in the best possible way. Let’s vote for someone that can express compassion yet deliver level-headed authority appropriate to the situation; one who will listen and remain fair.
I want a sheriff who is able to be approachable. Someone who can connect, not only with the deputies and the community, but the various entities they will be working with in the area.
For me, that person is Mike Aronson. Mike has proven to me that he can work efficiently, respectfully and logically with a diverse cross-section of our community. He listens to every side and helps people come to a reasonable conclusion without dictating how it must be.
How wonderful for our community that we have a trained and skilled EMT/ fireman running for sheriff. I personally have seen Mike’s skills and compassion when it comes to saving lives and working a scene of accident. I hope you never have to call 911 but if you do, trust me, you are going to be so glad it’s Mike that shows up at your door and that you voted for him to be there.
Think about this, law enforcement officers are often the first public service providers to arrive at the scene of an emergency before EMS providers. Although the law enforcement skillset is highly specialized to safeguard lives and property, and protect individuals in the communities they serve, many law enforcement officers have not received extensive training in emergency medical care. Remember Mike not only has the training, he has worked many years as an EMT saving many lives in our community.
Let’s not forget that Mike is a Marine. Why is this important? If you do your research you will learn that military veterans make great law enforcement officers because of the following traits: sense of service and commitment, discipline, integrity, firearm skills, responsibility, ability to work effectively in teams or individually. They have experience dealing with difficult situations , they have the ability to problem solve, and their attention to detail.
What puts Mike over the top is the way he is able to work with community members of all ages, all walks of life, treating everyone with respect and fairness. Semper Fi.
Michaela Wille
Humboldt, Kan.
Dear editor,
I read with interest Tom Williams recent letter to the editor. I have been puzzled as to why Mike Aronson jumped into the race for the position of Allen County sheriff. After all, we held a primary with three candidates to choose from and the people made their choice. So I was left to question what motivated him to run. Then, low and behold, he announces that, if elected, his undersheriff will be none other than one of the candidates that was defeated in the primary. Now, if what Mr. Williams wrote is true, the plot just seems to thicken.
However, the fact remains that we need a person with integrity and experience to represent Allen County. That man is Bryan Murphy, he has the experience in the many areas that is vital to keeping the citizens of Allen County safe. It takes more than just “locking up the bad guys.” He has to manage the correctional facility and deal with budgets while keeping his department running smoothly.