Dear editor,
As long as there are those who would take a stick and stir up a hornet’s nest, we will always have wars and rumors of wars.
No denomination or religion has “all” the truth. The truth is like a cut diamond, with many facets, but still a diamond.
If people could see that, we would have a more peaceful world.
Rather, some are determined to “have it all,” whether it’s money or truth.
Only one person claimed to be the truth and the light, and it’s not us poor, ignorant mortals who love the attention of controversy as illustrated by those who made the film to stir up the Muslims and cause the death of our ambassador to Libya.
Jim Brownrigg,
Iola, Kan.
Dear editor,
If you care about your grandmother’s life and health care in the future — vote for Obama.
If you care about your neighbor being able to keep his job and not losing it to communist China — vote for Obama.
If you care about America — vote for Obama.
This Republican is going to vote for Obama, not because I like him, but because America needs him now more than ever.
The Republican Party is filled with terrorists that are going to destroy America. They have been at it for 40 years!
It is more important to stop these terrorists now.
I live in an area of people who will vote Republican, right or wrong, because Grandpa was a Republican, Papa and Mama, too, so they always vote Republican, no matter what.
In my family, we vote for the person, not the party, even though we were listed as Republicans. We have been known to vote Republican in the primary, then by November, vote for the Democrat because the Democrat was a better choice.
This time around, my family is voting for Obama, to save America.
Thank you,
B. Curry,
Kincaid, Kan.
Dear editor,
The citizens of the county that want the ambulance to be run by the county had better be talking to their county commissioners, old and new ones.