Letters to the editor (8/9/12)


August 9, 2012 - 12:00 AM

Letter to the editor,

I’m not too pleased with having to show my driver’s license in order to be allowed to vote.

I realize the people manning the voting places are doing what they are required to do, but I’ve lived in Iola all of the 75 years of my life and I’m pretty well-known. I believe if the fine people that man the voting place have known you for many years, they should not have to ask us for a picture ID.

I’m not the only voter that feels this way. I have always voted but this irritates me that my citizenship is questioned in a town that I have lived in for 75 years.

Everyone should vote or not gripe about how every thing is done. I’ve made the decision that this election will be the last time I vote after a lot of discussions with other voters. Some feel as I do. The amount of legal voters will drop more than it has, as to the low turnout that was stated in our local newspaper 

I’m all for seeing that the votes are legal, but to ask a resident who is well-known is just ridiculous.

If you people agree, voice your opinions pro or con.


Carl Letsinger,

Iola, Kan.

Letter to the editor,

We listen to politicians decry President Obama’s declining to support the Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the Gulf. It appears that our refineries are on the Gulf and subject to attack by land, air and sea. 

Many of us have wondered, why not build the refineries in North Dakota and/or Canada? Therefore, doing so you would not have to pipe oil all the way to the Gulf. It would also create lots of jobs, which appears to be an issue versus jobs for pipeline.

Current predictions are that oceans will rise between 13 and 20 feet if the major ice shelves melt. However, most are predicting this would actually be a century away, but short-term rises will be in the 1- to 5-foot range. The other predictions from global warming is that storms will be more severe, especially hurricanes and typhoons. So, you get the double whammy having our refineries between 4 and 10 feet of sea level, plus coastal storms are asking for major disasters.

We also had another thought, why do we have all these refineries close to the shore? Shipping.
