Letters to the editor


June 26, 2015 - 12:00 AM

Dear editor,
I am hoping that you will be able to help us notify the men and women who deployed with the 891st Engineer Battalion in 2005 in Operation Iraq Freedom, that there is going to be a reunion July 18. Some have retired or gotten out of the National Guard since returning and we have lost track of them.
The reunion will be from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. on July 18 at our home. Soldiers should call 785-231-4067 or check the 891st Facebook page to get details. David Fehr, family assistance specialist at the Iola Armory, also can be contacted at 620-365-4020 or 785-806-1765.
We are looking forward to reuniting after 10 years.
Thank you,
CW4 (Ret.) Nick Hay
and wife Vicki

Dear editor,
What’s in a name?
Look at our governor’s. I think it would be very appropriate if his middle name started with an O. Then instead of using foul language you could just say his initials and make the same point.
While there are some good legislators that really try to help, the good ones are far outnumbered by the yo-yos. You know, those little things you control on a string to make them do what you want. These yo-yos are controlled by a string attached to money. They bounce here and there, passing dumb bills and creating many loopholes so their wealthy controllers pay very little, if any, taxes.
Samie-O and the yo-yos would like us to believe people on welfare are just too lazy to work and are the cause for the state being short of money. They have made laws that are supposed to force them to go to work. I guess they think they will have no problem finding work with all those jobs they have created. Has anyone seen any? No. And the fact that they don’t even know you can’t get $25 from an ATM shows the depth of their intelligence.
Then we have Kris Kobach, secretary of state. The yo-yos have given him and Samie-O every power they asked for. Kobach is out there now with his spy glass checking every crack and crevice for fraud. Hey Kris, here’s a clue for you, pick up a mirror and look straight into it. There, you have found the biggest fraud that ever hit Kansas right there at the end of your arm. There’s lots of things you could charge that bad boy with but he need not fear. The Koch boys are near.
Wake up, Kansas. Vote with your brain instead of your eyes that just look at the party.
— Maude Burns,
Iola, Kan.
