Letters to the editor 5-2-13


May 2, 2013 - 12:00 AM

Dear editor,
As Bob Johnson put it, Kansas truly lost an icon with the passing of Emerson Lynn. Before the days of email and the Internet, when all state politicians got what was called a “clipping service” with copies of editorials from around the state, the editorials that Emerson wrote were always prominently featured as not only well-reasoned opinions, but as “opinion leaders” across the state. It was always very satisfying to me to read those and to know that someone from our area, someone I knew personally, was so highly regarded across the state and in many different parts of the country.
In so many ways Emerson put Iola more prominently on the map and brought many political leaders to town to seek his wise counsel. It was a pleasure working with him on several state issues during the time that Mike Hayden served as our governor and most particularly on the highway plan.
Iola has reaped the benefits of a strong and vibrant locally owned daily newspaper, with strong journalistic ethics and standards, for many generations now and that is something that a community doesn’t fully appreciate unless they don’t have it. I want to offer a strong “thank you” to Emerson and his family for keeping the Iola Register ownership right here in town and as an integral part of the community fabric. He will be missed and well remembered.
Ed Bideau,

Chanute, Kan.
State Representative
Ninth District
