Letters to the editor


October 31, 2014 - 12:00 AM

Dear editor,
As we look forward to our right to vote Nov. 4, I hope people will take a moment to reflect back on their own education growing up — their elementary, junior high, and high school years. As a student, you did not provide those buildings, teachers, or textbooks. People you probably didn’t know from possibly generations back sacrificed to build those for you and provide you that education. That was their responsibility.
Now the responsibility of providing the best education possible for the youth of the Iola area is ours. A child’s education is not about politics. It is not about buildings. It is about what is best for that child and what will benefit them most in the future. A child only gets one chance at an education. Our responsibility is to give them the best we can while we can. The chance to give a child a great education and future is definitely worth a few more dollars a month. Our children are worth it. They are our future.
On Nov. 4 I hope you will consider your own education, how that benefited your life, and consider the responsibility we have to the youth of today and the future. Their future is in our hands as we vote Nov. 4. They don’t have a say, but we do. Let’s give them the very best we can to provide them with the best possible future to not only bless and benefit them, but all of us.
Please vote YES! YES! On both the USD 257 bond and city sales tax. It is our responsibility to provide the best education for all our children.
Jennifer Taylor,
Iola, Kan.

Dear editor,
The election is upon us. And I am glad it is almost over with all its cute tricks and nasty ads. But whom do I vote for in the Senate election? And how do I decide?
As a senior citizen, I went to the doctor for a physical a while back, and, with two grandfathers, a mother and a brother who had/have diabetes, I asked for the very accurate a1c blood test. I was told I was not covered unless the standard glucose test was out of normal range even though it is not as accurate as the a1c. I started checking and found out that the new rules require a specific ascending order of tests and treatments that are largely cost based. Add to that a cut of over $700 billion in Medicare, a government board that decides what treatment you get (see above), and other issues has me concerned about my future healthcare. Roberts wants to fix or eliminate these problems. Roberts gets my vote.
Over the past few years large numbers of regulations have been imposed on industry and agriculture and are being pushed by the federal government. The overreach on water usage on private lands is but one example. And the deliberate imposition of regulations that make cheaper coal energy all but impossible is another. Roberts has experience fighting for us. Roberts gets my vote.
Then there are the multitude of scandals over the past few years including the IRS fiasco, running guns into Mexico, the death of our ambassador in Libya, just to name three of many. I have also seen where the Majority Leader in the Senate stands. And I know where Roberts stands. Roberts gets my vote.
I could go on with issues such as the national debt, abortion funding, care of veterans, immigration and the problem of the needs of agriculture being only 20 percent of the Ag. bill with the rest being nutrition and welfare. I know what Roberts has done and where he stands on these issues. Again, Roberts gets my vote.
Those who follow issues such as these know Roberts’ positions and what he has done for us in the past. With the fiasco of the change in opponents he remained calm and reasonable. He debated with his opponent with clarity knowledge and strength. Yes, he fought back when he was attacked and I like that. He has also fought back when issues related to the welfare of Kansans has been under attack in Washington. And I like that too. Join me in voting for Pat Roberts to continue as our Senator.
Dave Roos,
Iola, Kan.

Dear editor,
I have read many articles, many letters, a will and listened to many people’s thought, their concerns, their reasons and their decisions regarding their vote about the school bond issue. I respect all because I know they care deeply about the children. I do too. The following are the reasons for my vote. I ask they be considered as I have considered all of yours.
The only lawyer to speak about the bond issue and the Bowlus Fine Arts Center is Mr. Clyde Toland, a well-respected and accomplished attorney. He knows how man made law can be twisted and interpreted to be different from the original intent of some law or a document. He has warned us about losing this wonderful center and I will not gamble on its fate. I will vote NO.
The idea that now is the time to build new buildings is wrong. Our state finances are in a mess and until they are back to where we can depend on our state officials to correct the money situation we do not need to add extra taxes to our obligations. If the board has waited eight years to find the right time, they need to wait a bit longer because too many people, myself included, are financially challenged at this time. I will vote NO.
We have been warned by a good neighbor from Chanute about over extending ourselves with taxes. The new hospital has not brought new doctors to town yet or increased our tax base yet. I have a hard time believing new school buildings will increase our population. I will note NO.
I have advanced training in biology and I want an environment that will sustain life for our future. Too long we have been a throw-away society. The lesson of fixing and taking care of our environment is long overdue. This is a good lesson for our children. We need to fix our schools as Fort Scott is attempting to do. If I lived there, I would vote yes. But I live here and I will vote NO.
Again I suggest the school board seek other alternative solutions to the present problems. I truly believe there is a better way to fix our schools. And I truly will do what I can to help.
Ruth Lee Jackson,
LaHarpe, Kan.

Dear editor,
Friends of Bowlus remind me of spiteful 10-year-olds.
I don’t want it and it’s going to cost me a bundle to destroy and clean it up, but you can’t have it. It’s mine!
OK you can have it but we’ll make you pay and pay. You can’t just move it; that’s not good enough. You have to fill in the basement and level it. No, that’s not all! We’ll think of more.
Once again the wall goes up. Just another brick in the wall. Brick one from Friends of Bowlus, brick two brought to you by new schools and a most unfortunate brick ACARF. How many bricks do we need to sink Iola? A divided town is not strong enough to weather the storms that are coming.
Kathryn Ronay,
Iola, Kan.

Dear editor,
I have been immersed in the arts my entire life. I received an MFA, the highest degree in the studio arts, in drawing and painting. I recently retired after 33 years of teaching art at college and public school levels. I continue to teach and exhibit my artwork.
Some 28 years ago, when I accepted a position at Allen County Community College and moved to Iola, we were delighted to learn of the Bowlus Fine Arts Center. I have always loved a wide range of music and theater productions. All of our children have participated and benefitted in the Bowlus productions and events. Two of our children now have careers in the graphic arts.
When I first heard of the proposed changes from teaching traditional arts to teaching fine arts technology at the Bowlus, if a new high school were to be build, I was skeptical. But then I realized how much the fine arts and technology are merging, today.
In my own field of the visual arts, I have seen a progressive integration of computer technology with visual imagery. There has been an increase of computer arts classes to enhance a fine arts degree. This is because of more career opportunities in computer arts.
Today, you see the same integration in other arts; music, drama and dance. Every time you watch a movie, listen to pre-recorded music, experience a fine concert or enjoy a stage production, you are benefitting from the merging of arts and technology. To think that arts technology is separate from the traditional fine arts is to close your eyes to the present visual and auditory world we live in.
The proposed technical arts programs for the Bowlus have been thoroughly considered and researched. Similar programs are currently found at select schools in the country. How fortunate we are to have a facility that could accommodate such a progressive program!
After reading Mr. Bowlus’s will, I do not see that fine arts technology would be going against his wishes to educate our artistic youth. The Bowlus Fine Arts Center facility is the perfect place for such a program.
I am enthusiastic about this proposed direction for the Bowlus and the opportunities it affords our youth in art-oriented careers. Along with this new direction, the Bowlus Fine Arts Center will continue to enrich our cultural lives and our community.
A YES! YES! vote for new schools will be a Yes! vote for the Bowlus’ future in arts education as well.
Steven R. Greenwall,
Iola, Kan.
