Letters to the editor


October 8, 2014 - 12:00 AM

Dear editor,
At the conclusion of the Monday meeting of Iola Industries, its board of directors voted to support the USD 257 “Yes! Yes! for Kids” campaign.
We thank USD 257 Superintendent Jack Koehn and Scott Stanley, director of maintenance and transportation, for coming to our meeting to talk about the upcoming proposed bond project. It is always good to receive information from the people most directly involved.
Mary Kay Heard,
Chairman, Iola Industries

Dear editor,
I am the one who has pulled some signs out of yards that I own. I pulled “NO” signs because I believe Iola desperately needs new schools.
I was approached by one man asking about my “YES” button. I told him I was promoting the new school bonds for Iola and he said his family had looked at Iola as a place to live but chose Chanute because of its new school.
Taxes are the reason for most of the “NO” activity. Why would Iola be any less willing to raise the money for improved schools than the residents of Chanute? My wife and I have several properties in Iola and we have no problem paying the taxes for new schools. We might miss the money, but we welcome better educational opportunities for Iola’s children.
The pulled signs have been returned to the person who put them in with the understanding they would put no more in any yards that we own. On the other hand, “YES” signs are welcome.
Ray Shannon,
Iola, Kan.
