Letters to the editor


October 6, 2014 - 12:00 AM

Dear editor,
 The proposed bond issue before voters Nov. 4 regarding a new school campus is of historic importance. We are at a critical crossroads where an opportunity may be lost for generations to come. I’ve tried to examine this issue from many sides and have found that there are two groups with reservations about this proposal.
The first group appears to be interested in keeping things the way they are. The school was good enough for them when they graduated or was good enough for their children. They think only the 3 R’s need to be taught and technology is not the school’s role. They also think they cannot afford it at this time.
This group has asked some hard questions that make us think through issues, and we can appreciate that. Unfortunately, not investing in the future means that current and future generations of students will fall further behind. In today’s world we find that even a high school education does not get you very far ahead. Having technical skills and/or college is essential in today’s world. And as economic development goes, we cannot afford not to invest in our future.
The second group is looking for a more idealistic, perfect solution for our schools. They hold up the ideal that our elementary schools provide a center for the community and also allow students to walk or ride bicycles to school. They are holding out for a different proposal and are against the proposed bond issue.
Emotionally, I like the idea of keeping our elementary schools, but there are many reasons this is not a viable option. Today, only 15 percent of students walk or ride to school. That does not mean we should not encourage increased physical activity, but this may not be a reason to keep neighborhood schools.
Also, the cost of remodeling is much greater than building new. In talking with the architect of the remodeled Lawrence Public Library recently, he said that it was much more expensive and required a lot more creative and difficult planning to remodel compared with starting new at a new location.
Our neighborhood schools also have many inefficiencies that a single location would not have. One example, our special needs children and those that serve them deal with less-than-ideal circumstances. It’s an inefficient use of time, energy and resources to attend to these students in numerous buildings. Reductions in professional staff also make it more difficult to provide adequate services.
There will be two possible outcomes from the election. Either we will have OK’d the idea of a new campus which means there will be lots of work and planning to be done. Or it will not pass and those who are interested in keeping the status quo will have what they wished for.
Those who opposed this bond issue because they want neighborhood schools might consider proposing a new bond issue, but if history repeats itself, it will be years in the making. Another problem is it will be more expensive to remodel than build new. And third — and this is the gamble for this group — the state of Kansas may no longer provide 51 percent of the cost of the proposed project due to state economic conditions.
As you can tell by now I am for building a new school campus in Iola. A new campus would allow many new efficiencies including security, maintenance, utility costs, and food preparation. Sharing of technical resources such as Internet services, library and media services, physical education resources, and even health services. The new elementary school in Coffeyville houses a medical provider from the Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, my employer.
The use of the Bowlus Fine Arts Center for cutting-edge technology in the area of art, music, and drama is exciting. In 1998, my son Jeff graduated from Iola High and took about every art class offered, none were computer-based. In college, he majored in art and found that half or more of his classes were digital in nature. That situation has gotten even more pronounced. Today, music production and recording are all done digitally.
For economic development reasons it’s essential for a community to present itself in a progressive and creative fashion. New businesses and employers will look at schools, hospitals, infrastructure and recreational opportunities when making decisions about placing a business in our community.
When we’ve tried to recruit new doctors or dentists to town the first thing they want to look at is our schools. When your competitors have state-of-the-art school facilities it’s one less bargaining chip you have to compete with if you do not. 
The education of current and future generations as well as the economic future of our community is at stake with this vote. I encourage you to vote yes for this proposal and then once it’s passed become involved with creating a campus that will serve our community for years to come.
 Brian Wolfe, M.D.,
Iola, Kan.

Dear editor,
It’s too bad we have so many little people in Iola think that they have to stoop to stealing yard signs in order to win their way.
Most of the “no” vote signs were stolen Saturday night by common thieves. What has Iola become?
I am a no-voter because the people of Iola cannot afford more taxes on things we really don’t need.
We need new sewer lines and water lines.
We also need to finish paying for the water plant and hospital before we start something else.
Jim Smith,
Iola, Kan.
Editor’s note: City officials designate funds from sewer rates to upgrade sewer and water lines. Likewise, water rates are used to pay the bond on the water plant. One-half of the 10-year half-cent sales tax passed in 2010 is used to help pay for the new Allen County Regional Hospital. Of the additional half-cent sales tax proposed on the Nov. 4 ballot, one half of it would go to upgrades of Iola streets and sidewalks, as with the sales tax passed in 2010.

Dear editor,
As with any election, yard signs have begun to appear as we come closer to the Nov. 4 election.
Sadly this weekend some of those signs were stolen. As the chairman for the Yes for Iola kids! Yes! campaign we want to officially state we do not condone the stealing of yard signs from anyone about anything — be it the school issue or anything else. This type of behavior is unacceptable and illegal.
Everyone has a right to their opinion, to express it, and to vote how they want and to be respected for that. Stealing someone’s sign is just wrong. We encourage anyone from any issue or camp who has had their sign stolen to report it to the police and then refrain from placing blame until the police determine who is responsible. I hope as we go through these last few weeks until the election that people will be respectful of others and their right to express their opinions even if they don’t agree with each other.
Our official Yes campaign is dedicated to being positive as we promote the school bond and sales tax issues which will benefit our kids. We are a group of concerned citizens who are dedicating our time freely because we feel strongly this issue is the best for our kids, our community and the future. To those who are doing this, this is wrong no matter who you are or how you feel about either side, please respect others’ rights and opinions and express your own in a positive way.
We are very blessed to live in a country where we have the right to express our opinions. In doing this we need to remember to be respectful and kind to others who may not agree with us. Agree to disagree, and then whatever the outcome work together to make it the best for all.
Jennifer Taylor,
Iola, Kan.
