Letters to the editor


August 8, 2014 - 12:00 AM

Dear editor:
Too many people think the answer to world problems and personal ones is to be mean and hateful. As a person who is nice and considerate and gets taken advantage of too often, this is the reason for personality change in people who are usually reasonable, and it seems nothing can stop the merry-go-round.
But the Bible, churches and following the Golden Rule do a good job telling how we can have peace that we all need.
The reason Christianity hasn’t worked is because it was never tried by everybody, really.
Where missionaries were alone with natives on an island, it made a world of difference as stranded soldiers during World War II found out, saving their lives from the enemy many, many times.
The trouble with us is we are our own worst enemy and are mean and hateful to others.
Jim Brownrigg,
Iola, Kan.

To the editor:
As the one responsible for the Kansans For Life Allen County Fair booth, I felt I had to respond to the letter to the editor from Ms. O’Brien.
While I’m glad she took the time to pick up and read the free literature at the KFL booth, it is upsetting to hear she thinks either KFL or I would lie to people. The facts and the information have been carefully researched and would not be printed if not true. This information may not conform to the politically correct rhetoric of people who favor abortion on demand, but denying the truth does not help in any way the women wounded or millions of babies killed by abortion.
Ms. O’Brien should talk to some of the women I know who have had abortions and do regret them, and not because of the supposed stigma or lack of support from people who believe life has value from conception. Many women grieve the loss of their child and need and want the love and compassion offered to them by pro-life people and organizations. Project Rachel is one of the Christian ministries available to help with the emotional and spiritual healing process. There are thousands of pregnancy resource centers in the United States, more than 50 in Kansas alone, and one in lola. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has information on places to get help. Also check out www.womensrighttoknow.org, and the handbook put out by the state.
All of the services are offered to the pregnant mothers and their babies free of charge.
Clothing, formula, strollers, and housing in some places, are all donated by generous and caring pro-life people who believe the baby is a gift to be cherished and the mother is a precious human being with value and dignity.
News flash! Abortions may be legal but they are not safe. Women do die from them.
Abortionist Kermit Gosnell was prosecuted for the death of one of his patients. Clinics in Texas, New Mexico and Maryland have had medical problems to the extent women were harmed and they were closed by the various states because of unsanitary conditions and lack of care. Fatal infections have occurred when parts of the baby are left in the womb. Uncontrolled bleeding has led to death and hysterectomies because of poor treatment and conditions.
Another statement was very confusing. She wrote a good reason to abort is because the baby might suffocate upon birth. This makes no sense. Does that mean that because a baby could die when it is born it is a “reason” to kill it before it is born?
My last grandson was delivered early by emergency C-section since the umbilical cord was around his neck. He might have suffocated upon birth because of this. Should he have been aborted first instead?
Saying pro-life people are anti-woman is ridiculous. The fact is worldwide, more than half of all aborted babies are female. They will never have the chance to grow up and make their own choices. Trying to save babies, male and female, from death and their mothers from harm, is hardly anti-woman.
Even though the letter writer seems very angry, and sometimes the truth is hard to hear, remember help and healing are available for those in need.
Marcia Roos,
lola, Kan.
