Letters to the editor


February 9, 2013 - 12:00 AM

To the editor,
I read Ona Chapman’s letter to the editor on public education and I said, “Hurray!” Somebody finally said what I had been wanting to say about public education in our country and especially in Kansas.
When our teachers are assaulted by our governor and by other Republican governors, such as the one in Wisconsin, when funds for public education are being slashed, isn’t it time to think long and hard about the future education of our children?
Do these governors and their rich political backers want only the rich to be educated? Do they want all the funds for public education saddled on the backs of local property owners while the rich pay little or no income tax on their wealth?
I always believed we became the wealthiest and greatest country in the world by educating the masses. Can we afford to stop educating everyone to their fullest potential?
Isn’t it time to start a grassroots uprising to try to save public education?
As a retired public educator that spent 44 years in a profession I loved, I’m truly concerned about its future. I pray all concerned citizens will start working together to stop this trend.
Retabess Ling,
Iola, Kan.

To the editor,
A number of proposals for changing local elections will likely be considered by the Kansas Legislators in the coming weeks. The proposals focus on two areas: 1) changing city and school elections to the fall; and 2) making city and school elections partisan in nature.
City and school elections in Kansas are now held in the spring and are non-partisan.  Moving these elections to coincide with partisan primaries and general elections would be inappropriate and confusing for the public.
Local candidates and elections would be lost when combined with statewide and federal elections.  The length of the ballots would be confusing to many.  Information about local candidates would be lost and confusing when mixed with the state and federal candidates. 
To change the election date would cause much confusion on the terms of those now setting on city councils and commissions and school boards.  It would also be an added unnecessary problem for the county clerks and city clerks of Kansas.
There would be not significant fiscal savings to making this change.
I am asking that you please contact your legislators and ask them to oppose changes to the city and school elections.
Vada Aikins,
 Humboldt, Kan.
