Pack the room!
After hearing that six members of our city council voted to fire Judy Brigham at their last meeting, I was shocked. Since it was an adjourned budget hearing, I had no idea their primary purpose was to fire our city administrator 15 days before her retirement.
Don’t get me wrong, they passed the budget, after they decreased it by .4 mills by taking approximately that amount from the lobbyist fund of Van Scoyoc Associates. But, it appears that the primary reason was to fire Judy. Immediately after the meeting, I get a phone call, and my door bell is ringing. Everyone is concerned that we were misled as to the purpose of the meeting.
Yes, I know in an adjourned meeting that the council can do whatever they want, but I thought the reason for the eight-person council was to represent the people, and to continue to move the city forward.
I’ve talked to one city councilman and the mayor about the firing of our city administrator, and both said if I knew all of the facts, I, too, would vote to fire Judy. Well, I guess I don’t know all of the facts, nor does anyone else not in the private room, because I wouldn’t have fired anyone 15 days before his/her retirement unless they stole or killed someone.
What I said to both of them is, “Has money been stolen? Did she kill someone? Did you arrest her and put her in jail?” I didn’t get the feeling she did either of those things from the two I talked to, so why divide the city in half?
Ray and I have no ties to Iola, but of all of the places we looked for retirement, we felt like Iola had everything we wanted. For a town our size, we have wonderful amenities, and I always thought we had people who cared about each other, and about moving our town forward. Don’t we want to improve the city to get industry to come here so that our young people and unemployed can find jobs, or do we want to be a mean spirited community?
The eight-man council was supposed to represent all of us. Do you feel you’re being represented, or does this feel like a place you wish you weren’t a part?
Come to the city council meeting on Monday, Sept. 12, at 6 p.m. at the New Community Building at Riverside Park. Even if you don’t want to get up and speak, be there!
Donna Houser
Iola, Kan.
Dear Forum,
I can’t say I’m proud of my country when it’s more important for Congress to bring a president down than it is to build a nation up.
I can’t say I’m proud of our news media when doom and gloom are broadcast 24/7.
Oprah has it right; we should talk 24/7 about our blessings and our wonderful country.
Someone said: If you aren’t part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem.
My thought for Iola.
After the flood, Bob Hawk started three lists: people who need help, people who could help and people with things to donate.
Seems Iola could use a little list. People needing help to restore or fix their homes or offices. People needing jobs. People willing to donate.
The people needing help would pay for services within their budget.
Kathryn Ronay
Iola, Kan.