Dear editor,
The person who wrote the letter of November 1, regarding Hillary Clinton might want to keep these facts in mind:
1. In May of 2016, the Republican chair of the House Select Committee on Ben-ghazi admitted that the military could not have gotten to Benghazi in time to save the American lives.
2. Funds for embassy security had been cut below that which the Obama administration requested.
3. During the Bush administration, there were 60 attacks on embassies and 60 people died. No one blamed the secretaries of state.
4. Regarding the fact that, as a young woman, she defended a rapist, the man who was the local prosecutor at the time reported to NPR that she was quite upset about it and asked to be released from the assignment. The judge refused her request. A defense attorney is required to provide a defense regardless of his/her opinion of guilt or innocence. That is what she did. It was required.
Former Iolan,
Catherine Myers Bowser,
Overland Park, Kan.