Dear editor,
I am writing to voice my opinion regarding the proposed multi-use lane on 9th Street. I have heard a few comments about the number of people in favor of this proposal who live outside the city limits. The passage or failure of this proposal will not affect my bike riding habits. I am supporting this proposal because I truly believe it would be in the best interests of Humboldt to pass this measure. I believe the multi-use lane would benefit Humboldt in the following ways:
1) Because of the condition of our sidewalks, bicyclists, walkers, runners, mobility devices, etc. are using the street. Whether or not this is passed, they will continue to use the street. This multi-use lane would only improve the safety of those individuals.
2) If the multi-use lane is put into place, it is my belief that parents and educators will be inspired to teach more bicycle safety, not only to riders but also to young drivers.
3) By its mere existence, it will cause drivers to be more watchful.
4) Because of the width of 9th Street, I believe this to be the best option for a multi-use lane.
5) Because of the repaving and striping that will be done by the County in the spring, there is no better time.
Humboldt has a unique opportunity to make the most of the Prairie Spirit/Southwind Trail. You don’t have to ride a bike in order to reap the benefits of what has been placed at our doorstep. There are many people who travel from all over to hike and/or bike the Prairie Spirit Trail. Word is getting around that the six miles of the Southwind Trail are the most picturesque. They are coming for the day. They are coming for the weekend. They are looking for places to stay, places to eat, places to visit, places to spend their money. Right now we have nothing to connect the end of the trail to what we have to offer them in Humboldt but this multi-use lane would be the most logical first step in that progression.
It is for these reasons that I am in support of the multi-use lane on 9th Street and I am asking for a vote of yes to this proposal.
Lynn Lytle,