Letters to the Editor – 11/22/16


November 22, 2016 - 12:00 AM

The treasures in our own backyards

“There’s gold in them thar hills,” an old adage from the Gold Rush days, lifted the spirit of many a weary traveling soul. The flip side of that phrase is, “There’s gold in your backyard,” and I have found several.
Following a transitioning move to Allen County back in August 2015, we found a local physician, Chuck Wanker, who was exactly what we needed with my husband’s challenging physical needs. Later on, Allen County Regional Hospital followed with a competent and caring staff and on to Moran Manor with its excellent rehab and loving staff.
On the lighter side, we found another gold nugget as Moran Manor took some of its residents to see a collection of antique and collector cars owned by Mr. Don Nichols. His staff graciously took the resident around to enjoy Mr. Nichols’s passion. Some residents were ambulatory and some were pushed by Moran Manor staff and some by volunteers Pastor Dale Johnson and George Payne of Hope Chapel from Moran.
I’ve shared some of my nuggets and now I challenge you to do the same. Start by meandering around the square in downtown Iola and cruising the streets. You will find something, whether it be a household item, car, home, or maybe you will become a new entrepreneur. For some it will be just clean-up, fix-up and supporting others’ efforts. Don’t limit yourself. There is a whole county to explore with all the little towns in it. Regardless of age, there is something for you.
Let’s look in our backyards for gold before heading for them thar hills.
Mary Ann Buller,
Moran, Kan.
