Letters to the Editor – 11/1/16


November 1, 2016 - 12:00 AM

To the Editor:
I write today, in this our final week before the election.  While I have personal opinions surrounding candidates for local, state, and federal offices, those who know me already know where I stand, if you don’t, ask me.  Furthermore, all that’s going to be said that would sway a voter has probably already been said.
What I am about to say is not on behalf of anyone that shares my name, my career choice, my community, or my faith.  Instead, this is what I have been led to share.
This election, I would ask everyone to prayerfully consider the following: first, pray for guidance on who to vote for.  Almost everyone I know has an opinion on at least one candidate.  Very few of them agree completely. Rather than listening to rhetoric from any candidate, or other person, listen for God’s “still small voice” that came to Elijah in the wilderness.  Once you have voted, continue to pray in a victorious manner, knowing that God has allowed the results of the election, regardless of the outcome.  Both the Old and New Testament speak of God’s divine placement of authority.  Rather than praise those candidates who share your beliefs, or pray for protection from those who do not share your personal beliefs, recognize that God has placed us wherever we are at “for such a time as this” just as he did with Queen Esther.
After the election, I would also ask that Christians remember we represent Christ to our community. Regardless of our support for any candidate at any level, once redeemed by Christ , we are part of the family of God.  Just like in human families, we may not always agree on who to vote for, but we cannot allow bitterness to take root.  If you have concern with support of a certain platform or candidate, talk to that person.
Lastly, I would ask that we “draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Heb. 4:16, NASB). Regardless of the election, salvation will come from no person or political party.  Instead it has already come through Christ.  If all of this is foreign and you have questions, please feel free to ask me and I will gladly share the greatest gift I’ve ever been given.
Anthony Maness,
Iola, Kan.

To the Editor,
In respond to your Saturday campaign for Hillary. It is no secret that you are for Hillary. Reflected in every editorial you write. I would not mind having a woman for president. That is, an honest woman, not a liar. Not too many 5-year-olds pay attention to signs, but they do hear words on TV. Did she ask what a basket of deplorables are?
A lot of people have done great things for handicap, and not received a writeup in your paper, they weren’t in office where that was part of their job.
You say she was inspired by Dr. King. She saw power in politics and has sought power at any cost since.
Then you say she is for children. When in Arkansas, 41-year-old Alfred Tayler raped 12-year-old Kathy Shelton. Hillary defended him and plead the case down to unlawful fondling of a minor.
You say she is respectful of our military. Why did she sacrifice lives in Benghazi and blame it on a Youtube video, in public and acknowledged it was a terrorist attack in her emails to Chelsea?
Lillian Orzechownski,
Iola, Kan.
